Metal Dawn
DigiPen - Software Engineering Project 3/4

Metal Dawn is a 2D Side-Scrolling Hack’n’Slash game set in a dystopian future where humans have left earth to the care of robots that follow strict rules and orders. The player plays as an android that resulted from a manufacturing defect. The player goes on a journey fighting against the order of the robots to discover more about itself and the order. The game was developed in the team’s custom engine made with C++, OpenGL API and C# for scripting.

Tech Team
- Sri Sham Haran S/O R Raja
- Brandon Mak
- Daniel Chua
- Xiao Qi Loh
- Glence Low
Design Team
- Randall Chua
Art Team
- Lin Yue Yang
- Dylan Loo
- Producer
- Engine Editor User Interface (Use of Dear ImGui)
- Audio System (FMOD wrapper)
- Serialization